Press Release on Cambodian Workers in Thailand

On​ 7 August  2015, the Royal Government of Cambodia released an announcement to inform the public that from 24 July to 7 August 2017, the Ministry of Labor in Thailand has:

1). Received letters from 195,627 Thai employers.

2). Extracted data from 694,629 illegal migrant workers, of which 203,732 are Cambodian workers. The number is below the estimation of Thailand made in September 2016 that there would be more than 300,000 Cambodian workers. There are also 402,542 Burmese workers and 88,365 Lao workers. In sum, the figure is less than the Thai Labor Ministry’s expectation.

3). From 8 August to 9 September 2017, Cambodian migrant workers must appear at any of the 97 established offices in Thailand in order to obtain certificates from the Ministry of Labor.

Royal Government of Cambodia

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